Are you interested in being a guest on the show?
We love to welcome guests, whether they're consumers of pop culture or creators of it! We cover all types of pop culture: books, movies, TV shows, theater, music, games (board, tabletop/RPG, video), apps, podcasts, and much more. If there's something you're really into and you want to share it on the pod, get in touch with us! We're happy to chat about the things we love.
Since we're authors ourselves, we love to talk to other authors about their books, too. Carrie is most interested in epic fantasy, and K.W. favors science fiction and horror, but we both read widely in many genres. We're happy to talk about mystery, romance, historical, and anything else. For non-fiction, we love science and history books, as well as books on cultural criticism, but again, we're open to pretty much anything! We usually ask questions about the writing process, influences, and past and current projects. You're also welcome to talk about pop culture you're currently enjoying.
Email us at or contact us on Twitter (link on the home page)!